WHERE IS THE PICCOLO ? Sir Michael Costa was conducting a rehearsal in which the orchestra was joined by a great chorus. About halfway through the session, with trumpets blaring, drums rolling, and violins singing their rich melody, the piccolo player muttered to himself, « What good am I doing ? I might just as well not be playing. Nobody can hear me anyway. » So he kept his instrument to his mouth but he made no sound. Within moments, the conductor cried, « Stop ! Stop ! Where’s the piccolo ? » It was missed by the ear of the most important person of all.

It’s much the same way with the use of our abilities for the Lord. Whether our talent is great or small, the performance isn’t complete until we do our best with what we have. Richard De Haan


If You Don’t Turn Up, Does Anybody Notice?

Some people are so anonymous in their efforts, that if they’re not there, no-one even notices.

When they are in attendance, they quietly sit and do nothing, impacting nobody, interacting minimally and adding no value.

They’re found everywhere, in the workplace, on professional sporting teams, in religious buildings and in any other organisation. They take up space.

The alternative is so much better.You can be the one who is crucial to the team’s success. You can be the one your leader relies on for creativity, energy and contagious enthusiasm. You can be the one who is missed when you’re not available.

You’re better than that. Be the one who makes a difference, who makes a contribution and who positively impacts everyone around you.


You are valuable. You have a unique combination of talents, experience, passion and personality that is needed. There are things that you can do that no-one can do.

God has a plan and a purpose for your life and He chooses to partner with people like you to change the world. You are valued and valuable. Don’t let anyone tell you anything different.                                                                                                   


We will never change the world by going into a religious edifice, we will only change the world by being what God wants us to be and acting the way He wants us to act.

Before we can change the world around us, God wants us to change the world inside us.


You would not be alive if God did not have a purpose for you. It does not matter if you are thirty, fifty or ninety five. God still has something for you to do.


I believe God wants us to love others so much that we go to extremes to help them.


One person on fire for God can change the world.

                                                           ******                                                                                                               Refuse to be average. Let your heart soar as high as it will.-- A.W. Tozer


Good works do not make a good man, but a good man does good works.--Martin Luther

The world asks, ‘What does a man own?’ God asks, ‘How does he use it?’--Andrew Murray


I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples. --Mother Theresa


Helping one person may not change the whole world, but it could change the world for that person.


You want to change the world in a godly way ? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the unwanted, care for the sick, love your enemies, and do unto others as you would have them do unto you. If you can’t help or feed a hundred people, then help or feed just one.